
Welcome to the “Creating an Online Course with LearnDash, Elementor, and SureCart” course! This comprehensive guide is designed to help you build, design, and sell your own online courses with ease and efficiency.

LearnDash is a powerful Learning Management System (LMS) plugin for WordPress that allows you to create and manage courses, quizzes, and lessons. It provides robust features such as drip-feed content, course prerequisites, and detailed reporting, making it a favorite among educators and entrepreneurs.

Elementor is a leading WordPress page builder that enables you to design stunning, responsive pages without any coding knowledge. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, you can create visually appealing course pages that enhance the learning experience.

SureCart is a flexible e-commerce solution that integrates seamlessly with WordPress, enabling you to sell your courses with a secure and user-friendly checkout process. SureCart supports various payment methods, subscription models, and automated workflows, making it an ideal choice for course creators.

Why Creating Online Course?

Creating an online course offers numerous benefits and opportunities for individuals and businesses alike. Here are some compelling reasons to consider developing and launching your own online course:

  1. Share Your Expertise:

    • Online courses allow you to share your knowledge and skills with a global audience. Whether you are an expert in a particular field, have a unique talent, or possess valuable professional experience, creating a course enables you to teach others and make a meaningful impact.
  2. Generate Passive Income:

    • Once created, online courses can provide a steady stream of passive income. By leveraging platforms like LearnDash, Elementor, and SureCart, you can automate the process of selling and delivering your courses, allowing you to earn money even while you sleep.
  3. Flexibility and Convenience:

    • Online courses offer flexibility for both instructors and students. As a course creator, you can design your curriculum, set your schedule, and work from anywhere. Students can access the material at their own pace and convenience, making it easier for them to learn and engage with the content.
  4. Scalability:

    • Unlike traditional in-person teaching, online courses can be scaled to reach a virtually unlimited number of students. This scalability allows you to maximize your impact and revenue potential without being constrained by physical limitations.
  5. Build Authority and Credibility:

    • Offering an online course helps establish you as an authority in your niche. It enhances your professional reputation, boosts your credibility, and positions you as a thought leader in your field.
  6. Expand Your Reach:

    • With an online course, you can reach a global audience. The internet breaks down geographical barriers, allowing you to connect with learners from different countries and cultures, expanding your influence and impact.
  7. Create a Community:

    • Online courses often come with forums, discussion groups, and other interactive elements that foster a sense of community among students. This engagement can lead to valuable networking opportunities, feedback, and support.
  8. Personal and Professional Growth:

    • The process of creating an online course can be a rewarding experience, promoting personal and professional growth. It requires you to organize your knowledge, refine your communication skills, and stay updated with industry trends and technologies.
  9. Enhance Business Opportunities:

    • For businesses, offering online courses can be a strategic way to educate customers, onboard new employees, or provide ongoing training. It can also serve as a lead magnet, attracting potential clients and customers.
  10. Adapt to Modern Learning Preferences:

    • The demand for online learning is growing, driven by advancements in technology and changing preferences. More people are turning to online education for its convenience, accessibility, and affordability. By creating an online course, you are tapping into a thriving market and meeting the needs of today’s learners.

Creating an online course is a powerful way to leverage your knowledge, generate income, and make a lasting impact. Whether you are looking to build a side hustle, grow your business, or simply share your passion with the world, online courses offer a versatile and rewarding avenue for achieving your goals.


After Completing This Course You Will Be Able To

Course Objectives

  • Equip you with the skills to set up and manage a professional WordPress site tailored for online courses.
  • Teach you how to create and organize engaging course content using LearnDash.
  • Show you how to design visually appealing and user-friendly course pages with Elementor.
  • Guide you through setting up and configuring SureCart to sell your courses effectively.
  • Provide strategies for marketing and promoting your courses to reach a global audience.
  • Ensure you can support and engage your students through community-building and excellent customer service.

What You Will Learn

In this course, you will gain comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to create, design, and sell online courses using LearnDash, Elementor, and SureCart. Here’s what you will learn:

  1. Setting Up Your WordPress Site:

    • Web Hosting and Domain Name: How to choose and set up reliable web hosting, register a domain name, and link it to your hosting account.
    • WordPress Installation and Configuration: Step-by-step instructions for installing WordPress and configuring it for optimal performance and security.
  2. Creating and Managing Courses with LearnDash:

    • LearnDash Installation and Setup: How to install and configure LearnDash for creating online courses.
    • Course Creation: How to create and organize courses, lessons, and quizzes.
    • Advanced Features: Utilizing drip-feed content, course prerequisites, and detailed reporting to enhance the learning experience.
  3. Designing Course Pages with Elementor:

    • Introduction to Elementor: Understanding the basics of Elementor and its capabilities.
    • Page Design: How to use Elementor’s drag-and-drop interface to design visually appealing and responsive course pages.
    • Customization: Adding multimedia content, customizing layouts, and creating an intuitive navigation structure.
  4. Selling Your Courses with SureCart:

    • SureCart Installation and Setup: How to install and configure SureCart on your WordPress site.
    • Product Pages and Payment Gateways: Setting up product pages, configuring payment gateways (such as PayPal and Stripe), and managing subscriptions and one-time payments.
    • Automated Workflows: Streamlining the purchasing process for your students through automation.
  5. Marketing and Promoting Your Courses:

    • Marketing Strategies: Effective techniques for email marketing, social media promotion, and search engine optimization (SEO) to attract and retain students.
    • Analytics and Monitoring: Utilizing analytics tools to track and analyze marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions for improvement.
  6. Building and Nurturing a Learning Community:

    • Student Engagement: Fostering interaction among students through forums, discussion groups, and other interactive elements.
    • Support and Feedback: Providing timely support and constructive feedback to create a collaborative learning environment.
  7. Automating Course Delivery and Administration:

    • Workflow Automation: Setting up automated processes for course enrollment, completion certificates, and student notifications.
    • Reporting and Analytics: Using tools to track student performance and course effectiveness.
  8. Ensuring Legal and Accessibility Compliance:

    • Legal Requirements: Understanding GDPR, copyright laws, and other legal considerations.
    • Accessibility Standards: Implementing features to make your course accessible to students with diverse needs.
  9. Providing Excellent Customer Support:

    • Support Systems: Setting up helpdesks, chatbots, and FAQs to handle inquiries and technical issues efficiently.
    • Improving Student Satisfaction: Techniques to enhance customer support and ensure student satisfaction and retention.
  10. Evaluating and Improving Course Performance:

    • Data Collection and Analysis: Collecting and analyzing data on student performance and course effectiveness.
    • Continuous Improvement: Using feedback and analytics to make iterative improvements to your course content and delivery methods.
  11. Scaling Your Online Course Business:

    • Growth Strategies: Developing strategies to scale your courses, reach a broader audience, and increase revenue.
    • Expanding Offerings: Exploring opportunities for creating additional courses, bundles, and membership sites.

By mastering these skills, you will be equipped to create high-quality online courses that can reach and impact learners worldwide. You’ll also be prepared to build a sustainable and profitable online course business, leveraging the powerful tools of LearnDash, Elementor, and SureCart.

Why Learn With Daniel

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Choosing the right instructor can significantly impact your learning experience and success. Here’s why learning with Daniel Igomodu is a great choice for anyone interested in creating online courses:

  1. Expertise and Experience:

    • Qualified Professional: Daniel holds a master’s degree in information technology, providing a strong foundation in the technical aspects of course creation.
    • Proven Track Record: As an online educator and coach, Daniel has successfully developed and taught multiple online courses, including topics such as video editing, Windows 11 mastery, and audiobook creation.
  2. Comprehensive and Practical Approach:

    • Hands-On Learning: Daniel’s courses are designed to be practical, with step-by-step instructions and real-world applications. You’ll learn not just the theory but also how to implement it effectively.
    • Project-Based Learning: Throughout the course, you’ll work on actual projects that mirror real-life scenarios, ensuring you gain practical skills and confidence in creating online courses.
  3. Student-Centered Teaching:

    • Interactive and Engaging: Daniel prioritizes student engagement through interactive elements like quizzes, discussions, and practical assignments. This approach ensures you remain motivated and involved throughout the learning process.
    • Personalized Feedback: Daniel provides timely and constructive feedback on assignments and projects, helping you to improve and refine your skills continually.
  4. Supportive Learning Environment:

    • Community Building: By learning with Daniel, you’ll join a supportive community of fellow learners. This network provides opportunities for collaboration, peer support, and shared learning experiences.
    • Accessibility and Responsiveness: Daniel is committed to being accessible to his students, offering support through various channels and being responsive to questions and concerns.
  5. Up-to-Date Content:

    • Current Industry Practices: Daniel’s courses are regularly updated to reflect the latest trends, tools, and best practices in online course creation. You’ll learn the most current and relevant techniques.
    • Innovative Tools: Daniel integrates cutting-edge tools like AI for video editing and Text-to-Speech technology for audiobook creation, ensuring you stay ahead of the curve.
  6. Proven Success Stories:

    • Student Testimonials: Many of Daniel’s students have successfully launched their own online courses and businesses, attributing their success to the skills and knowledge gained from his teachings.
    • Real-World Impact: Daniel’s practical and actionable advice has helped students create impactful online courses that resonate with their audiences and achieve significant reach and revenue.
  7. Holistic Learning Experience:

    • Comprehensive Curriculum: Daniel’s courses cover everything from the technical setup of web hosting and domain registration to the design and marketing of your courses, providing a complete end-to-end learning experience.
    • Business Insights: Beyond just course creation, Daniel offers insights into scaling your business, marketing strategies, and customer support, ensuring you’re well-equipped to build a sustainable and profitable online course business.
  8. Personal Passion and Dedication:

    • Passion for Teaching: Daniel is passionate about teaching and committed to helping his students succeed. His enthusiasm and dedication shine through in his teaching style and course content.
    • Continuous Improvement: Daniel is dedicated to his own continuous improvement and learning, ensuring that he brings the best and most innovative practices to his courses.

By choosing to learn with Daniel Igomodu, you’ll benefit from his extensive knowledge, practical approach, and supportive teaching style. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your skills, Daniel’s courses offer a comprehensive and rewarding learning experience that will empower you to create, design, and sell your own successful online courses.

Why Creating Online Courses?

Creating an online course is not just a trend; it’s a transformative way to share knowledge, build a brand, and generate income. Here are several compelling reasons, backed by statistics, why you should learn to create an online course:

  1. Growing Market Demand:

    • The global e-learning market is expected to reach $325 billion by 2025, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.5% from 2019 to 2025 .
    • The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of online learning, with many institutions and learners embracing digital education. This shift has created a lasting demand for online courses.
  2. Revenue Potential:

    • Instructors on platforms like Udemy have collectively earned over $1 billion, with top instructors making more than $10,000 per month .
    • Online courses can provide a significant source of passive income. Once created, a course can be sold repeatedly without substantial additional effort, allowing creators to generate ongoing revenue.
  3. Flexibility and Convenience:

    • Online courses offer flexibility for both instructors and students. Instructors can design their curriculum and schedule, while students can learn at their own pace and convenience.
    • This flexibility has made online learning a preferred method for many, with 73% of US students wanting to take some of their courses fully online post-pandemic .
  4. Global Reach:

    • The internet breaks down geographical barriers, allowing you to reach a global audience. Over 1.2 billion people worldwide are enrolled in online courses, providing a vast potential market for your content .
    • Platforms like Coursera, edX, and LinkedIn Learning have millions of users from around the world, demonstrating the widespread appeal and accessibility of online education.
  5. Skill and Knowledge Sharing:

    • Creating an online course enables you to share your expertise and passion with a broad audience. This not only helps others but also establishes you as an authority in your field.
    • 87% of professionals take online courses to advance their careers, indicating a strong demand for high-quality educational content from industry experts .
  6. Personal and Professional Growth:

    • The process of creating an online course can be incredibly rewarding, promoting personal growth and enhancing your professional skills. It requires you to organize your knowledge, improve your communication skills, and stay updated with industry trends and technologies.
    • By teaching others, you reinforce your own understanding and mastery of the subject matter.
  7. Cost-Effectiveness:

    • Online courses are often more affordable to produce and maintain compared to traditional in-person classes. They eliminate the need for physical space and materials, reducing overhead costs.
    • Students also benefit from lower costs, making education more accessible and affordable.
  8. Community Building:

    • Online courses often include interactive elements such as forums, discussion groups, and live sessions, which help build a sense of community among learners.
    • This engagement fosters networking opportunities, peer support, and collaborative learning, enhancing the overall educational experience.
  9. Adaptation to Modern Learning Preferences:

    • The rise of microlearning and mobile learning reflects the changing preferences of modern learners who seek concise, on-the-go education. Creating online courses allows you to cater to these preferences and stay relevant in the evolving educational landscape.
    • 67% of learners access courses via mobile devices, underscoring the importance of mobile-friendly content .

Learning to create an online course is a strategic move that leverages the growing demand for digital education, offers substantial revenue potential, and allows you to share your expertise with a global audience. By developing and selling online courses, you can achieve personal fulfillment, professional growth, and financial success.


Who Is This Course For?

“Creating an Online Course with LearnDash, Elementor, and SureCart” is designed for a wide range of learners who are eager to leverage the power of online education. This course is ideal for:

  1. Educators and Teachers:

    • Traditional Educators: School teachers, university professors, and educators who want to extend their teaching beyond the physical classroom and reach a global audience.
    • Private Tutors: Tutors who wish to offer their services online, creating structured and scalable courses for their students.
  2. Entrepreneurs and Business Owners:

    • Business Coaches: Professionals who offer coaching services and want to create online courses to scale their business and reach more clients.
    • Consultants: Industry experts and consultants who wish to package their knowledge into online courses, offering them as an additional revenue stream.
  3. Content Creators and Influencers:

    • Bloggers and Vloggers: Individuals with a substantial following on blogs, YouTube, or social media who want to monetize their content through structured online courses.
    • Podcasters: Podcasters who want to offer educational content in a structured course format to their listeners.
  4. Freelancers and Independent Professionals:

    • Freelance Instructors: Individuals who teach various skills and wish to formalize their teaching into online courses, allowing them to reach more clients and generate passive income.
    • Creative Professionals: Graphic designers, writers, and other creatives who want to teach their skills online and build a personal brand.
  5. Corporate Trainers and HR Professionals:

    • Training Managers: Corporate trainers who want to create engaging and interactive training modules for employees, making use of modern e-learning tools and techniques.
    • HR Professionals: HR personnel looking to develop in-house training programs to enhance employee skills and productivity.
  6. Aspiring Online Educators:

    • New Instructors: Individuals who are new to online teaching and want a comprehensive guide to creating and selling courses effectively.
    • Career Changers: Professionals from any field looking to transition into online education and share their expertise with a broader audience.
  7. Lifelong Learners and Hobbyists:

    • Passionate Individuals: Those passionate about a particular subject and looking to share their knowledge with others while generating income from their hobby.
    • Retirees: Retired professionals who wish to remain active by teaching and sharing their wealth of experience and knowledge.
  8. Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs:

    • Small Business Owners: Entrepreneurs who want to add online courses to their product or service offerings, providing added value to their customers.
    • Startups: Startup founders looking to create training programs for their customers or internal teams.
  9. Non-Profit Organizations:

    • Non-Profit Leaders: Leaders and educators in non-profits who want to create educational content to further their mission and reach a wider audience.

This course is structured to provide value to a diverse group of learners, from those just starting out to seasoned professionals looking to expand their skill set. If you have knowledge to share and a desire to create impactful, profitable online courses, this course is for you.


  • Access to Internet
  • Computer / Laptop / Mobile Device

What Is Included?


This Course Includes

Table of Contents

Module 1: Introduction and Getting Started

1.1 Welcome to the Course 1.2 Course Objectives and Overview 1.3 Setting Up Web Hosting and Domain Name 1.4 Installing and Configuring WordPress

Module 2: Creating and Managing Courses with LearnDash

2.1 Introduction to LearnDash 2.2 Installing and Setting Up LearnDash 2.3 Creating Your First Course 2.4 Adding Lessons and Topics 2.5 Creating Quizzes and Assignments 2.6 Managing Course Settings and Drip-Feed Content 2.7 Using Course Prerequisites and Certificates 2.8 Reporting and Analytics

Module 3: Designing Course Pages with Elementor

3.1 Introduction to Elementor 3.2 Installing and Configuring Elementor 3.3 Designing Your Course Home Page 3.4 Customizing Course Pages 3.5 Adding Multimedia Content 3.6 Creating Responsive Layouts 3.7 Enhancing User Experience with Elementor Add-Ons

Module 4: Setting Up SureCart for Course Sales

4.1 Introduction to SureCart 4.2 Installing and Configuring SureCart 4.3 Creating Product Pages 4.4 Setting Up Payment Gateways (PayPal, Stripe, etc.) 4.5 Managing Subscriptions and One-Time Payments 4.6 Automating the Sales Process 4.7 Tracking Sales and Managing Orders

Module 5: Marketing and Promoting Your Courses

5.1 Developing a Marketing Strategy 5.2 Utilizing Social Media for Promotion 5.3 Email Marketing Techniques 5.4 SEO Best Practices for Online Courses 5.5 Creating Promotional Videos and Content 5.6 Leveraging Influencer Partnerships 5.7 Analyzing Marketing Efforts with Analytics Tools

Module 6: Building and Nurturing a Learning Community

6.1 Creating Interactive Learning Experiences 6.2 Using Forums and Discussion Groups 6.3 Providing Support and Feedback 6.4 Building a Community with Social Media Groups 6.5 Encouraging Peer-to-Peer Interaction

Module 7: Automating Course Delivery and Administration

7.1 Setting Up Automated Workflows 7.2 Managing Enrollments and Student Data 7.3 Issuing Certificates and Completion Badges 7.4 Using Reporting Tools to Track Performance 7.5 Automating Student Notifications and Reminders

Module 8: Ensuring Legal and Accessibility Compliance

8.1 Understanding GDPR and Privacy Laws 8.2 Implementing Copyright Protection 8.3 Meeting Accessibility Standards (WCAG) 8.4 Creating Inclusive Course Content 8.5 Managing Legal Documents and Policies

Module 9: Providing Excellent Customer Support

9.1 Setting Up a Helpdesk System 9.2 Using Chatbots for Instant Support 9.3 Creating an Effective FAQ Section 9.4 Handling Technical Issues and Refunds 9.5 Improving Student Satisfaction through Feedback

Module 10: Evaluating and Improving Course Performance

10.1 Collecting Student Feedback 10.2 Analyzing Course Data and Performance 10.3 Implementing Continuous Improvement Strategies 10.4 Updating Course Content Regularly 10.5 Leveraging Student Success Stories for Marketing

Module 11: Scaling Your Online Course Business

11.1 Developing Strategies to Scale Your Courses 11.2 Creating Course Bundles and Membership Sites 11.3 Exploring Additional Revenue Streams 11.4 Expanding Your Course Offerings 11.5 Long-Term Planning and Goal Setting


  • Final Thoughts and Next Steps
  • Additional Resources and Tools
  • Certificate of Completion

This comprehensive table of contents ensures that you have a structured and detailed roadmap to follow, covering every aspect of creating, designing, and selling online courses using LearnDash, Elementor, and SureCart.

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John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
John Doe
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